It’s not so often that one witnesses the pioneering band of a genre, but such was the case a couple nights ago, on Saturday the 23rd. Earth, the pioneering band of drone doom, was playing at the Echoplex, along with openers The Entrance Band as well as Angelo Spencer et les Hauts Sommets.
The first two bands were both an exciting and energetic blend of psychedelic rock. I found that to be a very odd mix of a lineup, but also an enjoyable one as well. Both Angelo Spencer et les Hauts Sommets and The Entrance Band put on pretty great sets, though I’m not sure if they would be something I would listen to regularly.
Finally, Earth prepared the stage, and Dylan Carlson humbly introduced the band, and the opening song they would be playing, which was a short cover, before delving into the opening track off of Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light I: “Old Black.” The atmosphere was perfect, a slow, southern esque dirge of doom, and no flashy, show lights; just the music, and the audience. Although fellow Inarguable writer Jon mentioned that they weren’t the most exciting or enjoyable live band by any means, I found my experience to be quite different. Maybe it was the setting, maybe it was just me, but I really enjoyed every second of it, and next thing I knew it was over.
The set list (with assistance from my friend Matt) consisted of (including a couple of omission), and in no order:
Old Black (off of Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light I)
The Bees Made Honey in the Lion’s Skull (of the album of the same name)
Coda Maestoso in F flat Minor (originally off of Pentastar, but performed in the style of Hibernaculum)
Ouroboros is Broken (originally off of Extra-Capsular Extraction, but also on Hibernaculum)
Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light I (off the album of the same name)
With all that being said, click to see the photos, and links are at the bottom for the full sets (with much larger resolutions as well).

The Entrance Band
Angelo Spencer et les Hauts Sommets
Full set on Facebook: set on Flickr:
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